“I welcome new change, new energy and a fresh start into my life!”
Are you carrying around “baggage“ that prevents you from growing spiritually and in daily life? Do you wish to release old trauma, hurt and start completely fresh?
My “Refresh & Reset” Candle was hand prepared, and comes infused and fully loaded with corresponding herbs, essential oils and healing crystals such as Clear Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Unakite and Blue Quartz to aid with your goals.
Use this candle to assist with manifesting a NEW START, balancing your emotions and aura cleansing.
It is highly recommended to write to clear the energy of a room with sage or Palo santo, write out a detailed petition and then light the candle. Instructions are included.
Fragrance note profile
Top: Fresh Mint Leaves, Citrus, Bergamot, Mandarin
Middle:Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Spearmint
Base: Camphor, Tonka, Cedarwood
This item is sold as curios. No refunds or exchanges permitted. Items, including herbs, are not to be ingested.